Healthcare Informatics Consultancy


Experience. Integrity. Depth.


Julie James and Hugh Glover began working together in First Data Bank Europe where they built the FDB Medicines Database into the primary database used by Primary and Secondary care systems in the UK. In 2001 they set up their own consultancy to further develop the use of Medication Databases in Decision Support during prescribing and dispensing. Through a contract with the UK NHS they played a major role in the design of the UK dm+d (dictionary of medicines and devices). That lead to an invitation to perform a similar role in Australia and more recently in the Republic of Ireland and in Canada. In parallel Julie and Hugh were contracted by the European Medicines Agency to help build IDMP - the International Dictionary of Medicinal Products to be used by the world’s Medicinal Product regulators. More recently Julie has been heavily involved with the redesign of the Snomed medicinal product hierarchy.

In 2008 Julie and Hugh began work in development of a service based platform for running Clinical Trials. This used the BRIDG model as the underlying domain model and they continue to be involved in the development of that model. From 2011 onwards the same BRIDG model formed the basis for developing a common data model for use by PAREXEL as the underpinning for their client integrations and software development. Hugh has held the post of Principal Information Architect at PAREXEL.

Throughout the history of Blue Wave Julie and Hugh have been regular participants in the development of HL7 standards. They have both served as co-chairs of various work groups and currently Julie is a member of the HL7 Terminology Authority while Hugh is a co-chair of the BR&R work group.


Get in touch

We are based in the UK but our client base spans the globe from Australia through Europe to Canada and the USA. We are never more than a conference call away!

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Career Histories

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Julie James

Life science software development and data management

  • Regulatory information management and IDMP – including all product data

  • Master data management systems

  • Metadata repositories

  • Integration systems

  • Clinical trial management systems

  • Electronic study data capture systems

  • Randomisation and trial supplies management and logistics systems

  • Pharmacovigilance systems

National and international regulatory agencies

  • Development and implementation of IDMP

Patient care software development and data management

  • Terminology, particularly national medicinal product terminology

  • Electronic prescribing, dispensing and administration systems

  • Electronic health record systems



University College London
PhD, 2017 - Creation of medication profiles

UNIVERSITY of Nottingham
B Pharm (Hons), 1984


1985-1988 Clinical Pharmacist, RD&E Hospital, Exeter

1988-1989 Specialist Pharmacist, ITU, CCU and Haematology, Musgrove Park Hospital, Taunton

1989-1991 Career Break – voluntary work in the Far East

1991-1995 Community Pharmacist, promoted through to Area Manager, Lloyds Chemists plc

1992-1996 LPC Secretary, N&E Devon LPC

1994-2002 Clinical Informatics Pharmacist, promoted through to Knowledgebase Services Manager, First Databank Europe

2002 Informatics Specialist, NHSIA (fixed term contract)

2002- Partner, Blue Wave Informatics LLP


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Hugh Glover

Healthcare Informatics, in direct to patient healthcare and clinical research including::

  • Architecture

  • UML Modelling

  • HL7 V3 and FHIR Message Modelling

  • Prototyping (.NET, C#, SQL)

  • Systems Analysis & Design

  • Implementation Support

  • Health Informatics Training

  • Project Management



University of London
PhD Biological Systems Modelling, 1982

Middlesex Polytechnic
BSc Maths and Computing 1978


1983-1985 Systems Analyst/Modeler, Beef Cattle Production, Scottish Agricultural Colleges

1985-1987 Systems Analyst, Crop Production for Scottish Agricultural Colleges

1987-1989 Manager of View Data Unit for Scottish Agricultural Colleges

1989-2002 Analyst-Programmer, promoted, via Technical Director, to Managing Director, First Databank Europe Ltd

2002- Partner, Blue Wave Informatics LLP

2015-2020 Principal Information Architect, PAREXEL Informatics

2020- Technical Director, HL7 Vulcan Accelerator